We are offering our popular booklet about the history of fair trade at a knock-down price. It features ten of the courageous and visionary champions who helped to develop ethical trading and provide the underpinnings of the fair trade movement we know today. It gives you a taste of the long history, in many different countries of the world, of those who have promoted and supported fair trade. And see the bottom of the page for an invaluable companion resource to use with children which is available to download absolutely free.
There are many more characters, past and present, who worked and are still working to make sure that producers can work safely and be fairly paid for their hard work.
“It’s an interesting and encouraging book, showing the impact for good an individual can have. I am impressed by the work you have done at the York Fair Trade Forum to put the book together” Anne T
Special offer: only £2 per copy!!
To buy your copy(ies) please email contact@fairtradeyork.org.uk telling us how many copies you would like and indicating whether you would rather pay by electronic bank transfer or by cheque so we can send you the appropriate details.
Working with children? Take advantage of this amazing FREE download: inspirational ideas for children!! Forum member and former teacher Helen Harrison has written a comprehensive set of Teaching Notes for use alongside the book for anyone working with children. You can download them for free either as an editable document or as a pdf (better version for printing). A host of ideas to kick-start your own activities.