What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade is a partnership between producers (the farmers, craftsmen and women in poorer countries who provide our coffee, tea, sugar, cocoa, cotton and jewellery among other daily items) and the consumers in wealthier countries.
The partnership ensures
- Prices paid to producers provide a living wage
- Better environmental standards
- More rights for workers and their families and communities
- Better trading relationships
- Access to the Fairtrade Premium which gives communities the money needed to improve education, infrastructure, business training and equipment
What does York Fair Trade Forum Do?
- Campaign locally, nationally and internationally for a fairer, just and sustainable corporate control trade system
- Promote Fair Trade in York through a variety of activities
- Review and Renew York City Fairtrade Status
- Provide a list of Fair Trade retailers in the city for citizens and visitors
- Work with other Fair Trade towns and regions
We are a not-for-profit organisation.
What does the Fairtrade Mark mean?
This logo, registered with the EU, helps shoppers identify the items on the shop shelves which have been fairly traded in accordance with internationally agreed standards. There are internationally recognised fair trade standards for a wide range of crops which are used to make the 4500 Fairtrade products available in the UK. The use of this logo on a product is licensed by the Fairtrade Foundation.
What is the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO)?
The WFTO sets out Ten Principles of Fair Trade which cover things like child and forced labour, environmental standards, fair pay and good working conditions. It has over 400 members in more than 70 countries all of whom adhere to the Ten Principles. Most WFTO members work in the handicrafts sector where Fairtrade certification is not available.
Shared Earth is a WFTO member – you can visit their shop in York.