The Forum is running stalls at two events during June – and both are fun-packed community events that have overcome threats to their survival.
On Saturday 20 June we’ll be at the Cycle rally on the Knavesmire. The rally was an annual event for almost 70 years until 2012, and this year a group of volunteers has brought it back to life. Look out for our stall which we’ll be sharing with Sustrans, near the entrance on the corner of Knavesmire Road and Campleshon Road (near the Grandstand). Our stall will feature the ever-popular make-your-own-smoothie bike, courtesy of St Nick’s. Your chance to use pedal power to create your own, bespoke smoothie from fair trade ingredients.
West Bank Park fair is also an annual event which, like similar local fairs, was threatened when the Council stopped providing funding and staffing after 2013. However, thanks to the Friends of West Bank Park taking on the organisation and funding, the fair has continued and draws crowds of over 2,000. Come along on Sunday 28 June and join in the fun activities in this lovely park. Don’t forget to say hello to us – we’ll be next to the York Yoga Studio gazebo. There will be literature about fair trade, York Fairtrade City car/window stickers, and maybe even fair trade baking.
Keep your fingers crossed that the June weather will be kind to us!