The Forum AGM was held on September 25th at the Priory Street Centre. After the formal business and review of the year there was a ‘Question Time’ type discussion with a panel consisting of:
Michelle Proctor – York Cocoa House
Prof. Bob Doherty – York University Business School
Rakesh Agaawal – Cooperative Board
Adam Gardner – The Fairtrade Foundation
The discussion was chaired by Mark Dawson, Fairtrade Yorkshire
Questions were around the theme ‘The Future of Fairtrade’ and panellists presented their ideas from their different viewpoints, with input from the audience. It was a very lively and interesting debate. The conclusions were that it is a complex situation, involving multiple players in Global Trade, but campaigners for Fairer Trade must not be discouraged. Whilst continuing to be enthusiastic and committed, they must also be open minded to the changes happening in the field and endeavour to find fresh ways to communicate complicated ideas in an easy way.
Helen Harrison closed the meeting at 8.40pm, by thanking everyone for coming and inviting them to continue to browse the stalls and partake of the refreshments – and enjoy the Fair Trade chocolate fountain!