Thoughts on the International Fair Trade Towns Conference (4-5 July 2015) from Joanna Pollard, Aztec Arts and member of York Fair Trade Forum
We walked into the party like we were walking onto a yacht – OK we were stepping off one of the many small ferries which ply the waterways on which Bristol is built, but the Friday night party at the Create Centre ( was a great start to the 9th International Fair Trade Towns Conference. The venue is a haven of environmental and sustainable living and the food we shared was all either local, sustainable or fair trade. This proved to be the perfect launch to the conference whose theme was “How Green Is Fairtrade?”. Not only is application of the Fairtrade mark partly decided on the basis of envionmental concerns, Principle 10 of the WFTO Ten Principles is specifically concerned with protecting the environment, so fair trade is definitely a green issue.
Joanna Pollard