York Fair Trade Forum hosted a successful evening at the Basement Bar on Tuesday 24 February to kick off Fairtrade Fortnight. It featured a showing of the Fairtrade Foundation’s new short film, Fairtrade Matters, which tells the story of two Fairtrade tea farmers in southern Malawi. This moving 13-minute film has added poignancy because, since it was made, Malawi has been devastated by its worst flooding for 40 years. Many people have lost everything, infrastructure has been destroyed and 100 people have died in these floods. It is a clear demonstration of how much more needs to be done to enable communities like this to become resilient in such a challenging environment, and makes our support for Fairtrade even more vital. You can see the film here.
There was also a showing of the Fairtrade Yorkshire film made to coincide with last year’s Tour de France, and starring several bicycling bananas.
We are very grateful to the musical acts who played during the event. Singer/guitar duo the Spectacles were the first act of the evening. Next, the audience was entertained by the beautiful harmonies of Armonia, a group from York Access to Music. The evening was rounded off by the talented sisters who join together as Penny and the Poppet.
The audience took part in a general knowledge quiz and the worthy winners (Montezuma’s Revenge) were presented with a hamper of Fairtrade goods donated by various local businesses. The Forum is very grateful to Shared Earth (Petergate); Fairer World (Gillygate); Aztec Arts (www.aztecarts.co.uk); House of Trembling Madness (Stonegate); Alligator (Fishergate); and Tullivers (Colliergate) for their generous support.
Other Fairtrade Fortnight news: York Central Labour candidate tweeted her visit to Acomb’s Tea on the Green here. And don’t forget York Fair Trade Forum’s next event on Thursday 5 March at Aroma cafe in Haxby – Divine chocolate tasting (free event, donations welcome, please RSVP to helen@fairtradeyork.org.uk if you want to come – see our Calendar).