On 23rd January 2014 the third Yorkshire Fairtrade Schools Conference was held at Temple Hall, York St John University. The conference was organised by the Centre for Global Education http://www.centreforglobaleducation.org/at YSJU and York Fair Trade Forum.
Excellent and varied presentations on a Fairtrade theme were given by Riccall and Cawood Primary Schools and Bootham School. We enjoyed listening to Tom Haygarth from Fulford Secondary School read his prizewinning story about Fairtrade chocolate: ‘Behind the Bars’. (http://www.stairwellbooks.co.uk/) All delegates took part in hands-on workshops, choosing from the Story of Fairtrade Honey, the issues around Fair and Unfair Clothing or a collage activity based on the theme of ‘Fairtrade Builds Communities’. Delegates also enjoyed browsing stalls from several local Fairtrade businesses and tasting some yummy Fairtrade home baking. Staff and students from twelve Yorkshire primary and secondary schools attended and feedback was very positive.
It was great to have the Lord Mayor, Cllr Julie Gunnell, and the Civic Party to present the Fairtrade Schools awards and the CGE’s Global Teacher Awards. As always, YSJU made us very welcome. Thank you to all the schools who supported us and to everyone who helped in any way with this successful event; we hope to continue supporting and encouraging Fairtrade in Yorkshire schools with similar events in the future.