York Fair Trade Forum held its AGM on Monday 7 September. After hearing about the highlights of the year and the Forum’s financial situation, the Forum’s plans for the future were revealed. These include publishing a new Fair Trade Trail of York; finding funding to publish a booklet about Fair Trade pioneers; distributing our new window stickers to Fairtrade businesses around York; building more links with local organisations such as schools, Brownies and the mosque; and making contacts with overseas fair trade organisations, particularly in South America and Kenya. Some of these goals are closer to being achieved than others: let us know if you want to help or have any other ideas. The next Forum meeting is on Monday 19th October at 6pm in West Offices; all are welcome. We’ll be discussing topics to campaign on over the coming months, so please come along and share your ideas or email us (helen@fairtradeyork.org.uk).
Before the AGM closed with refreshments and socialising, the officers for the coming year were elected as follows:
Kathryn Tissiman: Meetings Chair and Steering Group Member
Pam Hanley: Treasurer and Website Co-ordinator
Katie Mapp: Media Officer
Helen Harrison: Contacts Co-ordinator
Moira Bridge: Steering Group Member
Andrew Waller: Fairtrade City Councillor and Steering Group Member